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MarketVolume - Technical Analysis and Market Timing

MarketVolume™ (www.MarketVolume.com) is the leading provider of volume-based technical analysis and market timing on the Internet. Unique to MarketVolume™ is its JavaVolume™ charting technology. JavaVolume™ charts are very versatile in that they allow the user to plot intraday stock market volume data in real-time - a resource that has never before been available to the trading public. JavaVolume™ now makes precision trading of index shares and options based on real-time volume data a reality. This service remains unrivalled to this day.

Products & Services: A list of all MarketVolume™ products (including detailed product descriptions and product comparisons), as well as membership information.

Signup: A wealth of information on how to start using MarketVolume's products and services. Includes pricing information and payment options, for instance paying with a credit card or by check.

Stock Index Charts (JavaVolume™ charts): A detailed description of our stock index charts (NASDAQ 100, S&P 500, Russell 2000, NYSE, and others), including explanations on how to use our volume technical indicators. Snapshots of actual charts are provided.

Trade of the Week: Examples of how we trade QQQ and SPX options by applying volume-based technical analysis to the NASDAQ 100 and the S&P 500 indexes. We have been publishing the results of our options trades on a weekly basis since January 2002.

Custom Volume Trading Indicators: Numerous examples of market timing by volume-based technical analysis to major U.S. indexes (e.g., the NASDAQ 100, Dow Jones Industrials, and S&P 500) and exchanges (NYSE, AMEX, NASDAQ), showing how we have created our own custom trading indicators in the process. Two examples of custom volume trading indicators are the "NASDAQ 100 Volume Indicator" and the "S&P Market Movers Indicator".

Chart School Tutorial: A volume technical analysis tutorial where we describe various aspects of volume-based technical analysis and how we apply it to time the market. Here, you will find everything from the definition of technical terms to a detailed analysis of the relationships between volume spikes and index reversal points.

Information on U.S. Exchanges: General information about the NYSE, AMEX, and the NASDAQ: Their history, component stocks, trading systems, company listing requirements, quotes, charts, and more.

Information on U.S. Indexes: Information on major U.S. indexes, such as the NASDAQ 100, DJI, S&P 500, Russell 300, and others: General index description, component stock listings, index derivatives, historical data, index shares funds, options and futures, quotes and charts, as well as the basic concepts of setting up a trading system.

Chart Examples: Examples of how we apply volume technical analysis to our JavaVolume™ charts for the purpose of anticipating the market direction over the short-, mid-, and long-term. Market timing examples are based on charts of the S&P 500 and NASDAQ 100 indexes.

Chart Help: A useful feature for anyone who uses our JavaVolume™ charts, whether as a beginner or advanced user. This section includes detailed explanations of all chart features, chart settings, and provides a list of hotkeys. Any updates made to our JavaVolume™ charts will be reflected in this section.

FAQs: The most frequently asked questions, classified into the following categories: Products, charts, chart technical analysis, and trading signals.

Troubleshooting: A user-friendly section designed to provide support in case you experience problems with any of the following: Login to our sites, signing up for services, using JavaVolume™ charts, receiving email-alerts, or any other issues.

Support: Contact information for more help.

ETFs Trading Signals: Index-Trading-Systems™ (ITS) is an independent MarketVolume™ affiliate. ITS delivers trading signals for U.S. Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs). Signals are generated using a unique system of volume technical analysis. MarketVolume™ subscribers receive ITS signals at a significant discount.

Market Commentaries: Index-Day-Trading™ (IDT) is an independent MarketVolume™ affiliate. IDT is the first online service that delivers daily market commentaries based on volume technical analysis. The service includes a short-, mid-, and long-term outlook for the anticipated market trends of major US indexes. MarketVolume™ subscribers receive this service at a significant discount.

Stock Market Sentiment: Stock-Market-Sentiment™ - an independent MarketVolume™ affiliate - offers a free online service that delivers market sentiment data derived from a unique Internet-based polling service.

RISK STATEMENT: The trading of stocks, futures, commodities, index futures or any other securities has potential rewards, and it also has potential risks involved. Trading may not be suitable for all users of this Website. Analyst research available through this Website does not constitute a recommendation or a solicitation any particular investor should purchase or sell any particular securities. Past performance is not necessarily an indication of future performance. You absolutely must make your own decisions before acting on any information obtained from this Website. More...
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