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Options Tutorial - Basics of Options Trading

OTS delivers trading signals for QQQ and SPY options. You will also find a number of articles dedicated to options trading:

Options Trading Strategies: Here, we show you several examples of options investment strategies. We also discuss questions on options trading, such as how much to invest, how to reduce your trading risk, and how to protect your portfolio.

Selling Options Short: A comparison of the benefits of selling options short and of buying long options.

Options Investing Strategies - A more thorough discussion of investing strategies. Includes examples that reveal different options trading strategies (ranging from conservative to highly risky).

Options Investing - A number of useful tips options traders should be familiar with before they invest in the options market.

All About our Signals: Here you will find answer to many questions, from specific signal parameters to the best way to use our signals;

Comparisons between QQQ and SPY options signals: Here, we discuss similarities and differences between these two options trading systems. We also tell you how they can be used by different types of traders;

Where to Trade - A quick review of the U.S. exchanges where options are traded

Starting to Trade - Discusses questions traders should ask their brokers before opening an options trading account; outlines broker requirements.

Options Investing - Reveals the main reasons people are drawn to options and what you can expect when you trade them.

Options Trading Tips - 10 tips that summarize the basics of options trading - helpful for both beginners and trading veterans alike.

About Options - A general overview of put and call options and the basics concepts of options trading.

Options Portfolio - Discusses how much a trader should invest in options, how to protect a gain, and how to limit losses.

RISK STATEMENT: The trading of stocks, futures, commodities, index futures or any other securities has potential rewards, and it also has potential risks involved. Trading may not be suitable for all users of this Website. Analyst research available through this Website does not constitute a recommendation or a solicitation any particular investor should purchase or sell any particular securities. Past performance is not necessarily an indication of future performance. You absolutely must make your own decisions before acting on any information obtained from this Website. More...
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